Category: Training CPDPractice Manager's Manual5-Jun-18 We have mentioned before that the Practice Index Weekly now has a 'Practice Index Plus' version which you have to subscribe to. Just published on that Plus site is the Practice Manager's Manual 2018: "126 pages on everything you need to know as a GP practice manager. Written by three highly skilled and long-serving PMs. 23 new sections added and 10 sections updated since 2017. The 'must-have' document for all GP practice managers!" You may consider that your practice should consider this subscription as an investment, especially if relatively new in post. Coroners' Court updates5-Jun-18 MCCDs. The existing rules issuing an MCCD outside of the statutory 14 days without recourse to the Coroner have been clarified. "If the attending doctor has not seen the patient within the 14 days preceding death AND has not been treating that patient, AND has not seen the body after death, that GP must contact the Coroner's office for the provision of a Form 100a. However, if the GP has not seen the patient within the preceding 14 days, BUT has been treating the patient recently ('recently' is not defined) and has, or is going to see the body after death, then that GP can issue the MCCD albeit that the 14 days rule has been exceeded. The proviso is therefore twofold;
If the GP is not likely to see the body after death then the MCCD cannot be completed by the GP without recourse to the Coroner's Office for a Form 100a" Communications. GPs, medical secretaries and reception staff should use this address ( if needing to send anything to the Coroner's Office or, if requested by the Coroner to supply a medical summary for a deceased person who has to undergo a post mortem examination. Also the Coroner's Officers will always be happy to receive phone calls from GPs. Visits. Court appearances can be daunting. GPs would always be welcome to attend a hearing at the Coroner's Court; it would ease apprehensions and, once reflected on, would be a valid addition to an annual appraisal portfolio. |