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A new NHS FGM campaign was launched on 12th July 2016.  Text follows: 

"As we near the start of the summer school holidays when the numbers of girls taken outside of the UK to be cut increases, we are raising awareness of the severe health implications of FGM for those living in UK who are members of communities affected by FGM.  We are using TV advertising to directly reach out to communities with this message.

The film features a roundtable table discussion led by Henry Bonsu, a well-known British African broadcaster, together with a panel of experts all speaking openly and candidly about FGM.  Alongside the film, we have produced some short social media videos which are being distributed via Facebook.

The film will be broadcast on several UK African satellite TV channels from 9 - 31 July.  You can view the video, called 'FGM: The Facts' on NHS Choices - or you may have seen it on Vox Africa this morning where it premiered at 11:58 am.

We would be grateful if you could promote this campaign via your own channels, sharing the video and using social media help the campaign reach further; please contact either myself or our communications manager, Caroline Symes if we can support you to be part of this campaign."


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