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The Main LMC Committee  meets every other month.  The Executive Committee exists to provide continuity of effort and to provide the necessary functions to run the LMC. It usually meets monthly and addresses issues which cannot wait for the next main LMC meeting.  This includes preparation for monthly negotiating meetings held with the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and other meetings with NHS England.  Matters for the Executive's consideration should be e-mailed to the Secretary at

The Executive comprises 5 officers, who are elected en bloc every 2 years, and the Secretary. The current elected officers with effect form 8 March 2018 are:

The Chairman.

Dr Tom Yerburgh (Member for Dursley and Stonehouse).

As Chair he directs and guides the Office as necessary, and comes into the LMC Office once a week to maintain contact.

The Vice-Chairman.

Dr Bob Hodges (Member for Gloucester City Centre)

When the Chairman is unavailable the Vice-Chairman stands in for him.

The Treasurer.

Dr Phil Fielding (Member for the practices in St Paul's Medical Centre, Cheltenham).


Dr Jethro Hubbard (Member for all locum/freelance GPs)


Dr. Roz Bounds (Member for Forest of Dean (South))

The Secretary

Dr Penelope West 



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