Dr Phil Fielding BM DCH DFFP FRCGP
Practices in the area St Catherines Surgery, St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4DP Corinthian Surgery, St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4DP St George's Surgery, St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4DP Royal Well Surgery, St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4DP Portland Practice, St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4DP
LMC Roles I am the current Treasurer of Gloucestershire LMC. I have been on the LMC now for 18 years and have supported the executive in negotiation and policy management for 5 years prior to becoming chair.
Lead For Chairman of Gloucestershire LMC Chair of the LMC Executive and Negotiating committees Provide pastoral care and support to professional colleagues Sit on the AT decision-making panel for performance reviews.