Category: IT Issues
Communication with District Nurses4-Mar-19 The new DN Contact Hubs (now all in place) were established to avoid any patient safety governance issues caused by failed communication between GPs and DNs. This was a recommendation following a review by the Adult Safeguarding Board. Note that communication to district nurses does not always have to be through the Hub.
It would help the Hub to assign the right DN if the GP could give guidance on the urgency of the case, both as to time and the reasons for the referral. GMS Contract changes 2019 highlights4-Mar-19 New GMS contact changes The GPC gave a local roadshow in Bristol on 28th February. Information about the changes is coming from various sources. The main thing to grasp is that practices need to band themselves into geographically-based Primary Care Networks of between 30,000 and 50,000 patients. The timescale for doing this is very tight. By 29th March a template network agreement and Network contract will be issued jointly by NHS England and GPC England. Practices then have until 15th May to submit their registration information to the CCG. The CCG has to confirm network coverage by 31st May and the network contract goes live on 1st July. If you have any questions or face any difficulties in complying with this timetable then the LMC stands ready to help you. GP Contract Funding Please see below table with updated GP contract funding figures for 2019/20 following the contract agreement a few weeks ago.
*This figure will be paid in instalments direct to practices, upon signing up the PCN DES. These figures have been agreed between NHS England and GPC England - the BMA GP contract webpage will be updated shortly with these figures. These figures include the recycling of MPIG and Seniority into global sum, and therefore the figures represent greater than the 1.4% contact uplift noted in the contract agreement document. In addition to the above, a one-off payment to cover indemnity inflation arising in 2018/19 is planned for March 2019 - this figure is still being calculated and information will be provided soon. The above figures are in addition to the other financial agreements, for example uplift S7a V&I programmes, all funding via the network, and the delivery of the state-backed indemnity scheme, and do not include payments for any uplift in employer pensions contributions which will be funded separately. Changes to QOF in 2019/20 Twenty-eight indicators, worth 175 points in total, will be retired from April 2019. For details see Annex A (pages 60 to 63) of the full agreement at this link: These retired points will be taken up by:
Data Security & Protection Toolkit1-Feb-19 If your practice still needs to register on the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT), please log in or register here ( You will need your practice organisation code and email address. All organisations which have access to NHS patient information must provide assurance that they are practising good information governance and use the DSPT to evidence this through the publication of annual assessments. DSPT submission deadline is 31 March 2019, so practices need to start working through the toolkit as soon as possible. If you would like help with the new DSPT, you can register for a training webinar at: . We have been advised that there are Q&As at the end of the webinars. The forthcoming dates are: Wednesday 16 January 2019 (12.30-13.30) Dial in Details Thursday 14 February 2019 (12.30-13.30) Dial In Details You can also find presentation slides from a GP webex and a recording of latest webinar Data Security and Protection Toolkit Introductory guide at Additional help is available on . Requests for support can be made by email to or telephone 0300 3034034. The Care Provider Alliance has also produced specific Care Provider Guidance and Templates on their website ( to complement the Toolkit. This resource contains a good overview of the Toolkit and other useful information. Cyber attacks1-Feb-19 Practices doubtless have excellent firewalls and other protection for the computing equipment they regularly use. One possible weakness to the practice system as a whole is if there are spare items of equipment which are brought into use without checking that the protections are mounted on them too. Be aware of the risk. GP movements and changes of status7-Feb-18 GPs - If you are leaving a practice, changing your status, retiring or whatever please could you drop us a line to with the change and effective date. Practice managers - if you gain a new partner or salaried GP please let us know, with the GP's email address, and if you could remind GPs to tell us their changes that would be very helpful too. If ever Capita start letting us know practice and status changes we won't need the information from you. Practice managers11-Nov-15 Practices and practice managers alike may wish to take note of the following link ( for possible future reference. The site also provides a means for practice managers to upload CVs and job search. DIGITAL SIGNATURES - ARE THEY ACCEPTABLE?29-May-15 There is good legal basis and precedence to accept digital signatures only. However, the GPC has been in discussion with the insurance industry about this. The GPC is satisfied in principle but at the last meeting they were asked to make some further changes to their proposed process before the GPC could agree to them. At present you should therefore decline digital signatures citing that there is no agreement with GPC yet. After there is agreement it will be up to you whether to accept these or demand a 'wet ink' signature from the patient to guarantee that the informed consent ostensibly confirmed by the electronic signature has not, in fact, been revoked.