Category: GP supportMental Health Support for All23-Oct-19 Please see attached link to the website for dedicated mental health support for all NHS Doctors and Dentists. Managing mental health at work4-Sep-18 The charity Mind's research has (unsurprisingly) found that 9 in 10 of primary care staff experience workplace stress, while two in five GPs said they had experienced a mental health problem. The poll of over 1,000 NHS workers in primary care, including GPs, nurses and practice managers, also showed that work is currently the most stressful area of their lives, ahead of their finances, health, family life and relationships. That is why Mind is campaigning for improved mental health support for people working in primary care. Working in healthcare doesn't make it any easier to find the words to talk about your mental health at work. In fact, it can make it harder. It needs to be acceptable and possible for health care staff to talk about their mental health and by getting people talking about mental health we can break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and tackle stigma. Mind asked a group of people working in GP surgeries to talk about their own experience of mental health problems. Watch their film here. The BMA has resources to help staff manage their mental health at work, which you can access here. Talking about it is important. Time to Change have resources to help you get started. Remember also that the LMC provides pastoral support, either directly or through our GP Safe House website. There are also the services of GP Health. Occupational Health services for GPs5-Jun-18 We have now obtained confirmation that it is not essential for an employee's practice to be registered with Heales Medical provided that the employee is an individual on the National Performers List. That said, registration for practices is free of charge and allows access to an on-line portal which provides extensive information on the Occupational Health services provided by Heales together with a tariff of charges. Should a GP wish to self-refer and not have the practice informed of their personal circumstances then the direct contact is: Abigail Turner, Contract Manager, Heales Medical, 27 Bridge Street, Hitchin SG5 2DF T. 0844 842 1755 (ex1020) Heales Medical would be extremely pleased to welcome all Gloucestershire practices on board, but due to data protection legislation each practice must register individually. This process is not overly complicated: 1. An individual from the practice, ideally a senior partner or someone who is approved to authorise payments, needs to read through the information page and accept their terms and conditions; both can be accessed at: 2. At the bottom of the information page is a tab to click entitled, "Register your Practice"" All that is necessary to register is the practice's unique reference code 3. A primary user needs to be assigned; this could be the practice manager or whomever would be responsible for making any referrals to Heales. NHS GP Health Service14-Mar-18 For those needing to find out more about the mental health support planned for GPs and GP trainees who wish to remain in or return to clinical practice after a period of ill-health the link is here. The Hurley Clinic Partnership is the provider of this service, which launched on 30 January 2017. GPs and GP trainees considering accessing the NHS GP Health service are encouraged to access the new website: Fatigue and sleep deprivation - UK7-Feb-18 The BMA have published a briefing paper on fatigue and sleep deprivation, which explores the impact of different working patterns on doctors. It highlights the potential impact of sleep deprivation on doctors' health, well-being and performance, as well as their safety and that of their patients. The report is accompanied by some guidance on anticipating and managing fatigue associated with doctors' working patterns. Appearing before a coroner's court7-Feb-18 Most GPs would far rather provide a report than be summoned to a coroner's court hearing. Remember, though, that an inquest is held to establish the facts around the death. The evidence you can give is being sought to help the coroner establish those facts. As such, coroners' courts should seem less daunting/intimidating. Of course, although it is not concerned with 'blame' or 'fault' it can highlight its findings, and lawyers may well use the evidence from an inquest in any civil case that follows. If you are summoned to the court after providing a report you should:
The MDDUS also has a number of articles that are publicly available and the links are below: and and Generally, doctors would be wise to seek advice from their medical defence organisation. In particular, MDO advice is going to be most effective when it is given before a doctor provides a statement to the coroner.
Note that this list is not exhaustive and the important point is for the doctor to speak to their MDO where experienced medico-legal advisers can give further advice and/or assistance. Information on the MDU's page can be found here: Support if you are complained about to GMC1-Apr-15 Any doctor (you don't have to be a BMA member) can ask for support from the BMA's Doctor Support Service where a complaint has been made to the GMC Support is available from when a complaint is made until the outcome of the case. Unrepresented doctors or doctors with health problems may find the service particularly useful. It provides:
Contact via: Call now on 020 7383 6707 or email The service is not able to offer advice about your case. You should speak to your defence organisation or legal representative about that. If you want help with understanding the GMC's fitness to practise procedures you can contact the investigation officer who is handling your case. |