Coronavirus Webpage7-Feb-20 Dear GPC UK, The BMA has now published a web page<> highlighting key information and links to official guidance from government agencies on Coronavirus, including how to handle queries from patients and how to manage patients who contact or attend GP practices. We are in regular dialogue with key health agencies across the UK and are monitoring the situation in order to support preparedness. We are listening to what GPs are telling us and your feedback on preparedness and the robustness of information provided nationally and locally will be relayed back on behalf of the Association. We are working with the BMA emergency preparedness lead, Dr Peter Holden to ensure that we maintain links to the latest official Government guidance. We are aware that GP practices in England are being contacted by their CCGs, on behalf of NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI), requesting information regarding practice preparation for Coronavirus. Our advice remains that while there is no obligation to provide this information, unless the Secretary of State issues a direction, we would encourage practices to respond so that NHSEI and Public Health England are aware the national picture for preparations. In addition we remain in close contact with NHSEI to ensure that any measures they put in place are supportive and do not place any overly onerous or punitive burden on GPs and the patients they support. As well as using this information you should continue to review your practice business continuity plans, infection prevention and control measures and other relevant guidance in addition to any national guidance issued by relevant UK health or public health agencies. Stuart Abrahams Deputy Head of Committee Secretariat General Practice Policy Directorate Posted in Clinical Issues |