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Communication with District Nurses

The new DN Contact Hubs (now all in place) were established to avoid any patient safety governance issues caused by failed communication between GPs and DNs. This was a recommendation following a review by the Adult Safeguarding Board. Note that communication to district nurses does not always have to be through the Hub. 

  • Initial communication about a patient that needs to be put on the DN caseload should go through the Hub.
  • The Hub provides a reliable back-up means of communication between the GP and the DN for patients currently on the caseload.
  • However, for those patients on the DN caseload we would hope the GP could feel free to phone the DN direct. 
  • Depending on the urgency of the case the local Hub can be contacted by email, with a request for confirmation of receipt, or by phone. 

It would help the Hub to assign the right DN if the GP could give guidance on the urgency of the case, both as to time and the reasons for the referral.


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